Can Velux Skylight Glass Be Replaced
The Latest From Skylights WA

Can Velux Skylight Glass Be Replaced?

Feb 26, 2023 | Skylights

Velux windows are both beautiful and practical, allowing you to enjoy natural daylight where you may not have been able to before. Dark and dingy kitchens, living areas, and bedrooms are things of the past now as Velux windows give you the opportunity to make your home as light-filled and airy as you always dreamed. However, they also mean that your previously standard ceiling and the roof now have an addition and that addition needs to be taken care of to ensure it works to the best of its ability.

This article explores whether or not Velux skylight glass can be replaced. For personalised advice, contact our team at Skylights WA today.

Can You Replace The Glass In Velux Windows?

Velux windows and skylights come in many different models. Some are high-tech, such as those with electric retractable shades covering the glass, while others are more traditional yet just as stunning.

Whether your Velux windows are high-tech or traditional, they will need to be inspected regularly and may require a glass replacement at one time or another. This is because Velux glass— just like regular glass— may fog or crack over time. Windows can also become chipped, broken, or dirty and could benefit from a replacement.

Fortunately, replacing Velux window glass is not only possible, but also something you may even choose to do yourself.

How To Replace The Glass In Velux Windows

If you choose to replace the glass in your Velux windows yourself, it is a fairly straightforward process.

  1. Protect your home by lying a tarp down inside, directly under the Velux roof window.
  2. Safely and carefully access your roof using a ladder.
  3. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the screws along the frame of the skylight.
  4. Lift the top frame from the glass.
  5. Slide the locks that hold the glass in place over.
  6. Remove the glass and gasket and set them aside.
  7. Attach the gasket to the new piece of glass. If the glass doesn’t already have the gasket in place, do this by sliding the gasket over the edges of the glass.
  8. Place the new piece of glass into position in the frame.
  9. Replace the frame and use the screwdriver to screw it back into place.

Should You Replace The Glass In Your Velux Windows Yourself?

Although it may sound like a simple process due to how straightforward it is, the reality behind replacing the glass in your Velux window may be more complicated than it seems. Even for the most keen DIYer, this process can be difficult to manoeuvre and execute correctly. If the glass isn’t replaced properly, you may find that you void the product’s guarantee. Additionally, incorrect installation means that any number of things could go wrong with the window and you may need to hire professionals to fix the problem or problems.

All in all, it is recommended that you hire a professional to replace the glass in your Velux windows. This ensures your safety, the integrity of the skylight, and may save you a lot of time and stress.

Looking For Velux Windows?

If you’re considering installing Velux windows or having your existing ones replaced, Skylights WA has the expertise you need for a job done well. With over 12 years of experience, we can help you increase light in your home and ensure it looks great while doing so. To find out more, contact us to request a free consultation.


To see how you too can incorporate Velux skylights into your own home, contact us now for a free consultation with our experts.